Our Credentials

UKCOLLEGEONLINE operates to the highest academic standards and has multiple structures in place that ensure the standard of education provided to its students.


All learning materials are designed and written by a pool of professional academic authors so that each interactive module is aligned against specific learning criteria and standards. These standards ensure those that educate, learn and train with UKCOLLEGEONLINE receive a high-quality education along with a certification that is recognized universally by Universities and employers. Tutors are highly experienced in various fields of management and corporate bodies executive training. Learners would receive not just academic knowledge but with a pool of practical know-how. This would enhance the spectrum of understanding of how learners, once qualified would be part of the job market.

Partner University Qualifications

On completion of the final assignments, students are awarded a recognized qualification. Once learners receive their respective qualification, it can be used to top up to a full undergraduate degree or MBA at a variety of UK universities, either on campus or by distance learning.For more information on University Top Up options, click here.


Quality Monitoring Board

UKCOLLEGEONLINE will make sure that we adhere to operate a Quality Monitoring Board (QMB) to ensure that we are always delivering accredited online courses and resources to meet your learning needs. This Board meets regularly to assess:Specific student issuesAny quality issues for university partnersMonitoring of assessment standardsMonitoring of material content against learning outcomesSpecific operational issues as they affect quality and customer serviceOur board ensures that our learners get the highest quality education possible.The Board Members include academic and business leaders to get new and fresh ideas.Outcomes of the reviews are shared among our partners and students.All feedback is welcomed, issues can be formally raised via the QMB.

The students have the opportunity to topup their studies in a variety of universities in the UK, IRELAND, US, AUSTRALIA and CANADA.

UKCOLLEGEONLINE (UCO) is approved by two UK awarding bodies ATHE & QUALIFI the two official recognition agencies.

Qualifi Recognition

As a recognised UK awarding organisation regulated in England by Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual), Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment (CCEA) in Northern Ireland and Qualifications Wales (QW), Qualifi is able to give assurances to registered centres and learners of consistent, rigorous, quality standards and valid, valued learning.

Athe Recognition

Awards for Training and Higher Education provides centres with a wide variety of qualifications including, but not limited to; administration management, business, tourism, law, computing and health and social care. ATHE have made a name for themselves with exceptional customer service, excellent quality standards and rewarding qualifications with progression routes to university degrees.


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